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Twisted Wonderland

I guess this is my life now.
Lunaliya, after getting used to being in Twisted Wonderland

ルナリヤ (Ruranīya)
March 28 (Aries)
Dominant Hand
Class A (No. 35)
Best Class
History of Magic
Pet Peeves
Being unjustly blamed
Favourite Food
Least Favourite Food


The prefect of Ramshackle Dorm and supervisor of Grim. A magicless human from another world who ended up in Twisted Wonderland for unknown(?) reasons. She jokingly considers herself Night Raven College's "unpaid therapist." It seems as if there's more to her role than just being another student at Night Raven College.

Lunaliya is currently a "student" (or rather, makes up "half" of a student) attending Night Raven College due to certain circumstances. She comes from a world different than that of Twisted Wonderland and, at the moment, does not have nor know of a way to go back home. Due to Night Raven College being an all-boys school for magic, Lunaliya stands out a lot and is often the center of attention, much to her dismay.

Lunaliya tends to stay aloof from the other students, keeping their interactions to a minimum, as she finds it awkward as an adult to be interacting with minors. She does, however, end up befriending some of them due to being in situations that would cause them to spend time together (whether they like it or not). Towards those students, she acts more like an older sister or mother-figure—fussing over them, doting on them, being protective of them, etc. Some find this trait of hers endearing, while others find it irritating or annoying.

The students at Night Raven College tend to have a lot of personal issues in which Lunaliya is often roped (i.e. threatened) by the headmage, Dire Crowley, into solving them. She jokingly calls herself "the school's unpaid therapist" but doesn't particularly dislike helping the students since she is rather fond of them and wants them to be their best, despite her having her own emotional baggage to deal with. She's almost always getting caught up in the school's and students' silly and crazy shenanigans.

While she's a good influence on the school and students, they're a bad influence on her. They cater to the more chaotic side of her that she usually keeps under wraps, and they often encourage her to act impulsively which may or may not always be a good thing. Despite all this, Lunaliya finds the students' shenanigans fun and enjoys being able to speak her mind or do whatever she wants without having to worry too much about being punished for being "bad."


In Public

Lunaliya is very formal and polite, coming across as standoff-ish to a lot of people. She's generally quiet and keeps to herself, and very rarely will she offer her own opinion in a group conversation. She tends to have a neutral expression and flat tone of voice, making it difficult for others to know what she's thinking.

She tries to be kind, but at the same time, she tries not to get too involved. If she sees a student she doesn't know struggling, she'll stay on the sidelines for a bit and watch them, waiting to see if anybody else would help or if they can resolve things on their own. If it looks like that isn't the case, only then would she offer help. Most people consider her to be someone kind, but she herself doesn't really believe that, citing that she's just trying to be kind and thinks of herself as having a horrible personality.

Due to her past, she's rather self-conscious about her "image" and how others perceive her. She doesn't want people to hate her, but she's also afraid of getting close to others and the possibility of getting hurt by them (either them betraying her or leaving her/ cutting ties with her), so she tends to take on a more "neutral" stance when interacting with others and maintain some emotional distance.

In Private

Lunaliya is incredibly petty and sarcastic, but she does a good job of biting her tongue and holding herself back. She's usually insulting people in her mind or making witty remarks inside her head (which makes her believe she's a "bad person") because she's too much of a coward to actually say them out loud, especially if the other party is someone who can easily crush someone defenseless like her with magic.

She's very self-deprecating, but she usually tries to keep it to a minimum when around others or otherwise tries to pass it off as a joke.

Only those close to her can see these more honest and vulnerable sides of her as she does a fairly good job of hiding how she truly feels.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.

Skills and Abilities


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt lacinia libero vel interdum. Nam vestibulum velit nisl, dapibus porttitor libero semper ac. In consequat vel turpis ut auctor. Mauris vitae mi est. Donec et fermentum felis, sit amet laoreet nisi. Curabitur ac tortor erat. Quisque congue tortor velit, quis viverra ex accumsan in. Proin ipsum metus, bibendum sit amet neque ac, finibus bibendum nulla. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eros a laoreet. Donec nec velit in mauris tempor fermentum ut at sem. Suspendisse potenti. Sed a viverra nisi.

Trivia/ Headcanons


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